Privacy Policy General information ShopList respects the protection of your personal data. In this Privacy Notice we inform you about which personal data we collect whenever you use our ShopList App ("app") and our website ("website"), how we use and disclose your personal data and how your personal data are protected. This Privacy Notice is for your information purposes only. If and to the extent that we require your consent for the processing of your personal data, we will explicitly ask for your consent aside from this Privacy Notice. If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice, you may contact us at any time by sending us an email ( What is ShopList App and how can I use ShopList App? ShopList App is a digital shopping list that allows you to plan your shopping activities. With ShopList you have the possibility to create shopping lists and share them with other people. If you want to, you may obtain information about local offers and bargains directly in the app and look for promotions. ShopList App also provides you with ideas and inspires you to try new recipes or read other interesting stories about food. With the function "Order list online" you have the opportunity to have the items on the list delivered at your home simply and conveniently. If you like, you can also save your loyalty cards in ShopList When does ShopList collect personal data about me? We collect personal data about you whenever you: Download and use our app Create an app account to be able to use other app functions (e.g. joint shopping list) Visit our website or create an app account via our website, and Send us other inquiries. What personal data does ShopList collect about me and why? Collection and processing of data in connection with the ShopList App (a) Downloading and using the ShopList App in general Whenever you access and download our ShopList App, we collect from you and process the following personal data: Information about the smartphone and Internet connection you used, such as for example device IDs ("Device tokens") and IP addresses Advertising ID (e.g. IDFA, Google Advertising ID) Recipes, offers and items which interest you and/or which you added to your shopping list Country and language (b) Creating an app account and using other functions in the ShopList App Whenever you create an app account and use any of the other functions that thereby become available to you, we collect and process the following personal data: Information about the smartphone and Internet connection you used, such as for example device IDs ("Device tokens") and IP addresses Information about your user account, i.e. user name, user ID and - in coded form - the password to your app account as well as your user default settings in the app E-Email address Photo (optional) Country and language Recipes, offers and items which interest you and/or which you added to your shopping list Social Account information (c) Measuring the success of advertising campaigns The measurement of success of advertising campaigns is based on our legitimate interest in understanding how campaigns and advertisements can be used to improve the advertisements. For this purpose we use the so-called "Advertising Identifier" (Ad-ID). This is a unique, but non-personalised and non-permanent identification number for a specific device provided by the operating system of the respective mobile end device. The data collected via the Ad-ID is not linked to other device-related information. We use the Ad-ID only to provide you with personalized advertising and to evaluate your use of our advertisements. If you enable the 'no ad tracking' option in your settings (for iOS under "Privacy/Advertising" the option "no ad tracking" or for Android under "Settings/Account/Google/Advertisements"), we can only take the following measures: Measuring your interaction with banners by counting the number of ads of a banner without clicking on it, click rate, identification of unique use, security measures, fraud prevention and error correction. You can reset your Ad-ID anytime in the device settings ("Reset Ad-ID"), then a new Ad-ID is created with no link to the previously collected data. Collection and processing of data in connection with our website (a) Data collected and stored automatically when you visit our website Whenever you visit our website, the data transmitted by your browser are collected and stored automatically. These data are stored in the log files of the server. The following data are involved: Information about the type of browser and the browser version used by you Operating system of the user Internet Service Provider and IP address of the user Date and time of your visit We do not link these data to specific users but store them separately from other personal data. (b) Creating an app account and inquiries addressed to us You can also create an app account via our website and send us your inquiries at any time. In this case we collect and process the following personal data: Browser information Name Email address Photo (optional) Country and language Recipes, offers and items which interest you and/or which you added to your shopping list What do we do with your personal data? We use the personal data mentioned above for the following purposes: to make available, service and protect our app and our website to improve our app and our website based on user habits to allow you to use certain services in our app and on our website for purposes of analysis and performance in order to improve your experience with our app continuously if available to you - to inform you as registered user of our app by email about new recipes and trends and to keep you up to date on news about our app. You may withdraw your consent to receive such information at any time by sending us an email at or by clicking on the link in the respective email; to notify you of suitable recipes, offers and promotions that might interest you or to point out to you shopping opportunities in your proximity to provide you with relevant advertising and retargeting on our app, website, and third party sites to answer your inquiries ‍ Legal basis for data processing The legal basis for the collection and processing of data described above depends on the personal data in question and the specific context in which we collect them. The legal basis for processing the personal data you provide to us in the course of using our app and its services and functionalities is to fulfill our contractual obligations to you. Furthermore we process personal data on the basis of our legitimate interest, e.g. for the purpose of direct marketing or for analyzing user behavior so as to make our app more user-friendly and optimize it. If you separately agree to share your location data with us in order to view location-specific promotions and offers (e.g. supermarkets, discounters, drugstores) or if you separately agree, with our help, to have your shopping items delivered to your home and therefore provide your contact details with us and agree to share these with our supermarket partners, the legal basis for processing is your consent. The data that are collected automatically when you use our website are processed on the basis of our legitimate interest to maintain our website and understand how our website is used in order to be able to improve our offer on our website. If you have questions about the legal basis for processing your personal data or if you need further information, please get in touch with us using our contact data under the heading "contact us". Who does ShopList disclose my personal data to? We disclose your personal data to the following third parties: To our service providers who process personal data on our behalf for the following purposes We call on other service providers to process your personal data on our behalf in order to enable us to offer and make available to you our app and our app functions in accordance with the afore-mentioned purposes, to better understand your interests and to optimize our offers in our app and on our website. Some service providers use cookies or similar tracking technologies in order to provide you with promotions or other contents on the basis of your browser activities and interests. You may object to the use of cookies or other tracking technologies by managing your browser settings accordingly. Please read the technical information of your browser or mobile device to find the instructions for deleting and deactivating cookies and other tracking tools. To our partners If you decide to use certain services and functionalities in our app that include a transfer and process of your personal data to a third party partner and requires your separate consent, we will explicitly ask for your consent aside from this Privacy Notice. By agreeing to the processing of your data, you confirm that you comply to the terms & conditions according to Art. 8 GDPR. To the competent enforcement agencies, supervisory authorities, government agencies, courts or other third parties, if disclosure is necessary (i) based on applicable laws or regulations, (ii) for the exercise, protection or defense of our rights or (iii) for the protection of your material interests or the material interests of another person. International data transfer Our servers are located in the USA. As described in Point 7, ShopList discloses your personal data to service providers and partners which might be located in areas outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). In case your personal data are transferred and processed outside of the EEA, we possess or have secured suitable guarantees for an adequate data protection level (e.g. Privacy Shield certification; execution of standard agreement clauses). If you have further questions in this respect or if you wish to receive a copy of these guarantees, please contact us at any time. Cookies If you use our website, we store certain information on the hard disk of your computer by means of so-called cookies (small text or image files). Cookies permit us to adapt the website to your interests and needs. For example a cookie may contain information about the pages you visited, allowing us to adapt the website accordingly for your next visit. Cookies do not give us access to other areas of your computer. You can prevent your hard disk from storing cookies by deactivating the storage of cookies in the default settings of your browser. Alternatively you may deactivate the cookies of third-party providers in your browser. This might limit the functionality of our offers. Google Analytics Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service offered by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies", text files stored on your computer which allow an analysis of your use of the website. The information about your use of the website generated by Google Analytics cookies is normally transferred to and stored on a Google server in the USA. On this website Google Analytics was expanded by the code "gat._anonymizeIp();" in order to ensure the anonymized collection of IP addresses (so-called IP masking). Thus your IP address is abbreviated beforehand by Google within the EU Member States or other Member States or the European Economic Area. The complete IP address is transferred to a Google server in the USA only in rare cases and then abbreviated there. Google will use this information in order to analyze your use of the website, to compile reports about the website activities for the website operators and to provide additional services related to your website and Internet use. The IP address transferred by your browser in the context of Google Analytics is not linked to any other data stored by Google. You can prevent the collection of the data generated by Google Analytics cookies which refer to your use of the website (including your IP address) and the processing of these data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link: You can also prevent the data collection by Google Analytics by clicking on the link below. It installs an opt-out cookie which will prevent the future collection of your data when visiting this website: deactivate Google Analytics You will find more information about the conditions of use and about data protection under bzw. unter Data storage, duration of storage We store your personal data as long as is necessary for the purpose for which your personal data were collected and processed (for example as long as you use the app and are a registered user or in order to answer an inquiry sent by you by email). If we have no longer any legitimate business need for the processing of your personal data, we will delete your personal data. Statutory retention obligations remain unaffected. Your rights If you want information about your personal data, access your personal data or have them rectified, updated or deleted, you may get in touch with us at any time using the contact information indicated under the heading "contact us". If you are domiciled in the European Union you may also object to the processing of your personal data, ask us to limit the processing of your personal data or demand the transfer of your personal data. These rights may also be exercised by getting in touch with us using the contact information indicated under the heading "contact us". You have the right to stop the advertising messages that we send to you at any time. Deregistration is possible at any time by way of the link in the newsletter provided for this purpose or by writing to us. In order to stop other types of advertising (e.g. via regular mail), please get in touch with us using the contact information indicated under the heading "contact us". You may also revoke your consent at any time if we collect and process your personal data with your consent. Revoking your consent does not affect the legality of the processing of your personal data that we performed before the revocation of your consent or the processing of your personal data that we performed on the basis of a legitimate interest and for which no consent was necessary. You have the right to file a complaint about the collection and use of your personal data with any data protection authority. For further information please contact your local data protection authority. (Contact information of the data protection authorities in the European Economic Area, in Switzerland and in some non-European countries (e.g. the USA and Canada) How to contact us If you have questions or concerns regarding the use of your personal data, you may raise them at any time by contacting us at